Eurohard SA

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In May 1984 Eurohard is created with the intention of making Dragon computers for Spain and Latin America in Caceres, and with its headquarters in Madrid. Shortly after Dragon Data Ltdwent into receivership. The consortium led by GEC did not reach agreement with Tandy and in August 1984 the Spanish company Eurohard acquired Dragon Data Ltd. Eurohard used the INI and SOFIEX (state societies) and private capital to fund the purchase.

Eurohard moved all production, machinery and management from Wales to Spain to be operational in November of 1984. Eurohard continued to manufacture the Dragon 32, Dragon 64, and finally sold the Dragon 200.

Eurohard aquired several prototypes from Dragon Data Ltd named Project Alpha and Project Beta. Eurohard also began development of an MSX computer, an idea that Dragon Data Ltd had also begun, but the micro was never marketed. The Dragon MSX was made by Radofin and apparently a few hundred units were built, but never sold. Rumour states that when Eurohard finally closed its doors employees were given a Dragon MSX as payment instead of wages.

The Dragon 200 is internally identical to the Dragon 64 but it has a larger housing than the original model which allows you to place a monitor on the top. These machines were produced, however, very few units were made because soon after production started the headquarters were closed and Eurohard proceeded to liquidate the stock.

Due to poor sales of these models, Eurohard lacked the money to expand production for export to Latin America, and competition from other brands closed the headquarters in Madrid on October 1985 and in Barcelona in March 1986. Finally, in early 1987, the factory also closed Eurohard Caceres and ceases its activities as a company.

right|300px right|300px Eurohard fue una sociedad anónima extremeña, fabricante de los ordenadores domésticos Dragon 64, Dragon 200 y Dragon MSX. == Historia == === 1984 === La empresa es fundada en 1984 con un capital social de 56 millones de pesetas a propuesta de Eduardo Merigó (5,3 millones, que fue su primer presidente) por María Teresa Rodríguez, Javier Saavedra (5,3 millones y, a través de Información, Cálculo y Sistemas, 12,5 millones), Alberto Vidal, la Sociedad para el Desarrollo Industrial de Extremadura (Sodiex, que aporta 23 millones) y la Diputación de Cáceres (5 millones), en un antiguo almacén de piensos<ref name=QUIEBRA>Template:Cita noticia</ref>. La empresa se crea inicialmente como distribuidora de Dragon Data en España, pero con la idea de fabricar el Dragon 64 bajo licencia para ofrecerlo a las administraciones nacionales y autonómicas como el seiscientos de la nueva tecnología. Eurohard was a corporation Extremadura , manufacturer of the home computers Dragon 64, Dragon 200 and Dragon MSX. == History == === === 1 984 Company is founded in 1984 with a capital of 56 million pesetas a proposal from Eduardo Merigo (5.3 million, which was its first president) by Maria Teresa Rodriguez, Javier Saavedra (5.3 million and, through Information, Computing and Systems, 12.5 million), Alberto Vidal, the Society for Industrial Development of Extremadura (Sodiex, which provides 23 million) and the County Council Cáceres (5 million), in a former feed store <ref name=QUIEBRA> ((cite news | name = Peter | surname = Jara | enlaceautor = | coauthors = | title = The judge declares the bankruptcy of the maker Dragon computer | URL = | work = | publisher = [ [El País]] | date = February 2 of 1988 | fechaacceso = March 28, 2009)) </ Ref>. The company is initially created as a distributor of Dragon Data in Spain, but with the idea of making the Dragon 64 licensed to offer the national and regional administrations likethe six hundred of new technologies.

Merigó está al tanto de las dificultades de Dragon en Inglaterra y el plan consistía realmente en comprar a precio de saldo (150 millones de pesetas) la empresa, trasladando la planta de fabricación de Gales a Cáceres.<ref name=Irregularidades>Template:Cita noticia</ref> <ref>100 Años de Informática y Telecomunicaciones España Siglo XX</ref>. El Banco Exterior de España concede a la empresa un crédito de 150 millones a corto plazo para la compra. Merigo is aware of the difficulties of Dragon in England and the plan was to actually buyat bargain prices (150 million PTA s)the company, moving the manufacturing plant Wales to Cáceres. <ref name=Irregularidades> ((cite news | title = | names = | enlaceautor = | coauthors = | title = Irregularities and financial scandals | url = http://www. / | work = | publisher = El País | date = May 29 of 1987 | fechaacceso = March 28, 2009)) </ ref> <ref> 100 Years of Computer and Telecommunications Spain Siglo XX </ ref>. The Foreign Bank of Spain grants the company a loan of 150 million short-term purchase. La factoría se monta a finales de 1984 en Casar de Cáceres, las oficinas centrales en Madrid, en la calle Españoleto y una delegación en Barcelona. The plant is mounted at the end of 1984 in Casar de Cáceres headquarters in Madrid, Españoleto street and an office in Barcelona. Se descartan los desarrollos Dragon Alpha y Dragon Beta y contratan al diseñador Ramón Benedito Graells (Premio Nacional de Diseño 1992) para que cree una nueva carcasa para los equipos<ref>25 años desde la revolución de la gráfica digital</ref> que derivará en los Dragon 200 (se rumorea un Dragon 100, pero nunca ha sido confirmado), y se realiza en navidades de 1984 y primeros de 1985 una campaña en prensa especializada. === 1985 === Eurohard gana el 6 de febrero de 1985 un concurso de la Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Extremadura para suministro de sistemas informáticos a centros docentes por 32.308.000 pesetas<ref>Diario Oficial de Extremadura 28 de marzo de 1985</ref>. Developments are discarded Dragon Alpha and Dragon Beta and hire the designer Ramón Benedito Graells (National Design Award 1992) to create a new casing for the equipment <ref> [http: / / 25 years since the revolution of digital graphics] </ ref> that will result in the Dragon 200 (it is rumored a Dragon 100, but has never been confirmed), and performed at Christmas 1984 and early 1985 a press campaign. === === Eurohard wins 1985 February 6 of 1985 a contest the Ministry of Culture of the Junta de Extremadura for providing computer systems for schools <ref> 32.308 million pesetas Official Journal Extremadura March 28, 1985 </ ref>. Por desgracia muchos acaban en los almacenes de las escuelas ante la nula formación del profesorado. Merigó y Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ibarra propusieron a José María Calviño comercializarlo con la marca TVE, de un modo similar al BBC Micro, pero Calviño se negó. Unfortunately, many end up in stores before the null schools of teacher education. Merigo and Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ibarra proposed to José María Calviño marketed under the brand TVE, in a similar way the BBC Micro, but refused Calvino. Sin embargo en TV3 coproducen el programa Connecta el micro, pica l'start que comienza a emitirse el 27 de mayo de 1985 y que es una adaptación de The Computer Programme de la BBC, donde los BBC Micro han sido sustituidos por Dragon 200 (de hecho se transmite con cada programa una primera media hora original de la BBC y 15 minutos de producción propia). However, in TV3 co-produce the program micro Connecta, pica l'start that begins airing on May 27 of 1985 and is an adaptation of The Computer Programme of the BBC, where the BBC Micro, replaced by Dragon 200 (in fact each program is transmitted with a first half hour of the BBC original and 15 minutes from own production). La Obra Social de La Caixa lo publica como un coleccionable de 5 volúmenes de aparición quincenal a un precio de 275 pesetas cada uno. Eurohard trata de concurrir al Proyecto Athenea del Ministerio de Educación (uno de los principales candidatos, el Secoinsa / Fujitsu FM-7 usaba la misma CPU y sistema operativo) pero tampoco son elegidos. The Social Work La Caixa is published as a collection of 5 volumes of bi-weekly appearance at a price of 275 pesetas each. Eurohard is go to the Athena Project of the Ministry of Education (one of the main candidates, Secoinsa / Fujitsu FM-7 used the same CPU and operating system) but not are elected. Las ventas tampoco van bien, pues el Dragón es un sistema minoritario para el que apenas se desarrolla software en España (con las excepciones de unos pocos programas educativos y de mercados verticales como contabilidades), siendo producido sobre todo en Inglaterra (tanto programas propios como adaptaciones del Tandy CoCo). Sales are not going well, because the Dragon is a minority for which software is developed only in Spain (with the exception of a few educational programs and vertical markets such as accounting), being produced primarily in England (both its own programs as adaptations of Tandy CoCo). Ante este panorama se decide rescatar el proyecto de un Dragon MSX (por entonces el tercer sistema en ventas de software en España) que se encarga a Radofin. Eduardo Merigó dimite del cargo y pone su paquete accionarial y el personal de Eduardo Saavedra a disposición de la empresa. Against this background it was decided to salvage the project of Dragon MSX (then the third set in software sales in Spain) to handle a Radofin. Merigo Edward resigns from office and put his parcel of shares and Eduardo Saavedra staff available to the company. Sodiex sitúa a su abogado como presidente, ordena una auditoría interna para conocer el estado real de la sociedad, y comienza a buscar reducir su participación dando entrada a Euroinde en el capital; Eladio García, presidente de Euroinde, es nombrado consejero delegado. Sodiex puts his lawyer as president, ordered an internal audit to the true state of society, and begins to seek to reduce their participation giving entrance to euro indicators in the capital, Eladio Garcia, president of euro indicators, is appointed Chief delegate. Por último, el 30 de octubre toma la decisión de embargar de forma preventiva los activos y pignorar existencias de la firma, para prevenir cualquier otro embargo que pudiera emprenderse contra la sociedad. Finally, the October 30 makes the decision to proactively seize assets and stock of the firm pledge to prevent any other but that could be initiated against the company. La medida se revela acertada cuando el 20 de noviembre el Banco Exterior de España presenta un embargo ejecutivo por los 220 millones que Eurohard adeuda al banco. The measure is revealed successful when the November 20 Foreign Bank of Spain has a lien enforceable by the 220 million owed to the bank Eurohard. Por entonces debe además otros 100 millones a las Cajas extremeñas y 50 millones al Banco Atlántico. By then you should also another 100 million to 50 million boxes in Extremadura and the Atlantic Bank. Ese mes Eurohard cierra su oficina principal en Madrid y traslada la sede social a la fábrica de Casar de Cáceres. That month Eurohard closes its office in Madrid and it moved its headquarters to the factory in Casar de Cáceres. Tras de unas negociaciones entre los bancos y los nuevos accionistas el 8 de diciembre Eladio García anuncia que se han renegociado las deudas y mediante un crédito de 140 millones del Banco de Crédito Industrial se cancela la deuda con el Exterior, y se pasa a créditos a cinco años, de los que la Junta de Extremadura y la Diputación de Cáceres avalan 100 millones<ref name=acuerdo>Template:Cita noticia</ref>. Sodiex argumenta que las previsiones se vinieron abajo debido fundamentalmente al incumplimiento del calendario de importaciones por dificultades aduaneras lo que produjo una situación de liquidez precaria que fue empeorando porque también surgieron nuevas dificultades con importantes devoluciones de distribuidores mal elegidos<ref name=confian>Template:Cita noticia</ref>. After negotiations between the banks and the new owners, the December 8 Eladio Garcia announced that the debts were renegotiated, and through a loan of 140 million Industrial Credit Bank cancels the debt owed to the Foreign credits and passed five years, the Government of Extremadura and the Diputación de Cáceres endorse <ref 100 million name=acuerdo> ((cite news | title = | names = | enlaceautor = | coauthors = | title = Eurohard Agreement with Atlantic and foreign banks to refinance its debt | url = / elpepieco/19851209elpepieco_13/Tes | work = | publisher = El País | date = December 9 of 1985 | fechaacceso = March 28, 2009)) </ ref>. Sodiex argues that forecasts collapsed mainly due to the breach of the calendarof imports by customs difficultieswhich led to a precarious liquidity situationthat was worse because there were also new problems with major distributors returns badly chosen< ref name = trust> ((cite news | name = Peter | surname = Jara | enlaceautor = | coauthors = | title = Eurohard CEO relies on the reactivation of the signing of microcomputers | url = http://www.elpais .com/articulo/economia/EUROHARD/consejero/delegado/Eurohard/confia/reactivacion/firma/microordenadores/elpepieco/19851211elpepieco_14/Tes | work = | publisher = El País | date = December 11 of 1985 | fechaacceso = March 28, 2009)) </ ref>. Acaba culpando a la rigidez del Exterior (que levanta el embargo) de la pérdida de la campaña navideña de 1985 <ref>Template:Cita noticia</ref>, mientras que Merigó culpa de los problemas iniciales a la pérdida de la la campaña de 1984, que fue un año clave para los ordenadores, ya la falta de sensibilidad de instituciones que deberían introducir los ordenadores en la enseñanza<ref name=Irregularidades/>. Just blaming the rigidity of the Exterior (Lifting the embargo) to the loss of the Christmas season of 1985 <ref> ((cite news | name = Peter | surname = Jara | enlaceautor = | co = | title = The Banco Exterior void their actions against Eurohard | url = | work = | publisher = The Country | date = December 22 of 1985 | fechaacceso = March 28, 2009)) </ ref>, while Merigo initial problems because of the loss of the 1984 campaign ,which was a key year for computers,and thelack of sensitivity of institutions should introduce computers in educationname=Irregularidades/> <ref. Pero venden que el plan de viabilidad a cinco años pondrá la empresa en beneficios. === 1986 y quiebra === En 1986 cierra en marzo la delegación de Barcelona. But selling the feasibility plan five years will put the company into profit. === === Bankruptcy in 1986 and 1986 closed in March the delegation of Barcelona. Se presenta a la prensa y distribuidores el Dragon MSX, pero al poco se produce la suspensión de pagos de la empresa. It is presented to the press and distributors Dragon MSX, but soon there is a suspension of payments of the company. En junio Sodiex denuncia un agujero de 300 millones de pesetas en la empresa, con cheques sin fondos <ref>Template:Cita noticia</ref>. In June Sodiex complaint a hole of 300 million pesetas in the company with bad checks <ref> ((cite news | name = Peter | surname = Jara | enlaceautor = | coauthors = | title = Sodiex reporting a 'hole' 300 million pesetas in Eurohard | url = | work = | publisher = El País | date = June 4 of 1986 | fechaacceso = March 28, 2009)) </ ref>. La planta se cierra en mayo de 1987 en una situación desesperada, donde el Consejero de Industria de la Junta, Antonio Rosa, dice a los bancos acreedores que se olviden del cobro de la deuda, porque la empresa no podrá nunca generar beneficios suficientes para pagarla, y atribuye la situación a la nefasta actuación, bordeando el delito, de la iniciativa privada que puso en marcha Eurohard<ref name=Irregularidades/> El Juzgado de Instrucción número 2 de Cáceres declaró en quiebra legal a Eurohard en febrero de 1988<ref name=QUIEBRA/> == Referencias == Template:Reflist Categoría:Empresas de informática The plant was closed in May 1987 in a desperate situation, where the Minister of Industry of the Board, Antonio Rosa, the creditor banks said that they forget the collection of the debt because the companycan not never generate enough profits to pay,and attributed the situation tothe nefarious actions, bordering the crime, the private initiative launched name=Irregularidades/> Eurohard <refInvestigating Court 2 of Cáceres legal bankrupt Eurohard in February 1988 == References == <ref name=QUIEBRA/> ListRef (())