Stalag / Eno

From The Dragon Archive
Stalag / Eno
Title image from the game
Developer Paul Austin and Leroy C. Smith
Company PAL Creations
Publisher Dragon Data Ltd,Eurohard
Release 1982
Platform Dragon 32 or Dragon 64
Genre Adventure
Gamemode 1P
Operation Icon tastatur.png
Media Icon Cassette.png
Language Flag en 18px.gifFlag es 18px.gif
  • Stalag

You are alone in a Nazi prison camp. The year: 1944. The Germans moved all the prisoners to another camp because it will only be a matter of hours till the allies bomb the camp! They locked the gate and abandoned the camp. You were forgotten because you were locked in the hot box, where all new prisoners spend their first week, to remind them why they should not try to escape. You have got to get out alive before the bombs hit!!!

  • Eno

Your eccentric aunt has just died and left you her estate. She had millions... If you find it, it's yours!!! Your only clue: Living room!?!?! Good hunting.


  • Dragon Data

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  • Eurohard


  • Dragon Data

StalagEno Inlay.jpg
Stalag-Eno Tape.jpgStalagEno GameNumber.jpg

  • Eurohard

Stalag-Eno Eurohard Inlay.jpg

